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Sunday, November 7, 2010♥

Long time no post le.. Didn't have time to post.. Nothing much happened.. This holiday will be boring and boring and very boring.. Will be meeting up with friends tat have not seen for half a year or lesser.. :)) Missed them lots!!! :DD
me e girl
[9:36 PM]

Monday, October 25, 2010♥

Alot of things happened these days, I fell out with one of my close friends and I mean very close friends.. Maybe its because I have comments bout her CCA, which led me to falling out with her.. I don't know what is going on with me but I don't hate her neither do i love her, its just that... I don't know how to explain.. I hope that things would go back to the past.. And Celine I am sorry, life may have been difficult for you, I know how it feels.. I am sorry.. Every time we say want to go out , we agree to go already but in the end we never go because she going.. I back out because if I go, I will be wasting my time with all of you because I know that she will bring you to far place which I will not go, bring you to places and make me like a fool following you around, bring you far away from me so that we could never have a chance to get close back again.. I know that what I am saying now may make her feel very unhappy. I am sorry.. Maybe what you are doing is too much or maybe what am I doing is too much.. I hope things would change maybe its the best... :'(
me e girl
[11:15 PM]

Thursday, October 14, 2010♥

Life is just soo hard to live.. Everything just gets into the way.. Its just so hard..Everyone wishes things could go their way but it just doesn't.. I wish I have choices..

Sorry PEISHAN and liwen i can't link you now.. My blog has got some problem.. Sorry.. I'll link you asap.. :)
me e girl
[5:39 PM]

Sunday, October 10, 2010♥

Hows Life?
Having EOY now.. X.X
Suck man!!
EOY ending on thurs..
So gonna go Lot 1 n go HIGH!!!
gonna buy bag play in wet n dry playgrd!!
Lovee all my girlfriends!!
They make my life rock ttvvm!!
Thanks girlfriends!!
Love All of yous!!!
me e girl
[10:48 PM]

Friday, September 17, 2010♥

The war is over!! Finally..YAY!!!
People said that I have changed..
And not change for the better but the say that I've changed to be more ah lian..-.-
Thinking that I'm changing to be more guai,I have became more ah lian instead..Maybe if I did not ask for their comments, I would have really became an ah lian along the way without realizing..And I think by the time I realize, I would have been an ah lian already..People say that what matters the most is not what people think about you but it is the way you think about yourself..But actually, sometimes listening to others would be as important..They say I've also been bastarding people..Maybe its true..Its just that I did not realize my mistakes along the way..But now I know it already, I cant ignore it but to learn from it and take it as an advice..I should change to the way I want them to treat me instead of letting them be treated the way I used to..
me e girl
[12:15 AM]

Wednesday, September 15, 2010♥

Nobody will judge you by the friends you mix with..People will only judge you by your attitude..You only dunno how you treat your friends and the way you want them to treat you back..
People don't judge you by:
-the way you do things
-the friends you mix with
The only thing that matters is the way you handle your friends, you willing to let listen to what your friends want to say, let your friends to speak, giving in a little and the way you treat them..Friendship is not only gathering your friends go out then end of story..You don't really understand the meaning of the word friendship..Maybe you really go and understand the word it might help..But you don't even bother to..Whats the point then?!Maybe even the friends you are mixing with don't like you..Its just that they do not want to hurt you like what we did..If you want to transfer its your choice.. Why ask others for their opinion?It is you transferring not them..And making your stay in the school happy depends on how you are going to make it happy for you, for the rest, for your friends..It does not only consist you..It is not making yourself happy, things going your way, bossing people around etc. I hope you will get what I mean..If you don't maybe you reflecting on what your did will help..

me e girl
[2:17 AM]

Thursday, September 2, 2010♥

Hey ppl..
long long time no post le..
how u doing?
lot n lots n lots of things happened in sch..
lets just let bygones be bygones
dun rack it up anymore..
Im sorry for calling you tat..
hope u would accept my apology
Lots of things really happened..
I got back my report book and
i did well for all e subjects except for one F9..
Very sad..
really very sad..
I failed officially for the first time.. :(
me e girl
[10:40 PM]


Tis is my blog
Respect me and i'll respect you
Leave a tag before leaving :DD
If u dun lyke me,
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yes tat box..press it
n byebye!

The GIRL n Escapes

HARRO!!Jus a normal girl born in 97 on may 15.Single n studyin in Christ Church Secondary School.Frens rock ttvvm! :D Loves dark chocolate, black, white, monkayes, smiles n frens! :DD

"Gang" Blog


Sry under constrution..



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